Areas of Expertise, Experience, or Professional Collaboration:
- Teacher and Leader Effectiveness
- Certified Educator and Leadership Evaluation
- Cultural Competence, Diversification, Minority Recruitment and Retention, Minority Leadership Development
- School Culture Development and Sustainability
- Community Involvement and Stakeholder Collaboration
- Recruitment of Top Talent
- Implicit Bias and Cultural Sensitivity
- Student Motivation and Enrichment
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
- Teaching and Leading in High Poverty and/or High Minority Dynamics
- Team Development
- After-School Program Development/ Male Mentoring (Keeping Inner-city Neighborhood's Great [K.I.N.G.'s Club])
Dr. Ross also provides the following professional learning opportunities for state and national agencies:
The following training opportunities have been approved by Education Professional Standards Board and Kentucky Department of Education
The following training opportunities have been approved by Education Professional Standards Board and Kentucky Department of Education